Company History
The evolution of an international player
The Establishment

The Company was established in 1998, by a team of Ph.D. students and researchers from the University of Genova with the intent of transferring competences and know-how from academy to industry.
First European Project
The first involvement as a partner in an European Project dates back to 2002, within the 5th Framework Programme, when MEPEMS was launched.


The first autonomous underwater vehicle realized by Graal Tech was launched in 2003 and can be considered a kind of ancestor of current X-300.
R&D Contracts
While maintaining strong relationships with research centers, during years, the Company enlarged its offer of R&D services to industries, and signed its first R&D contract in 2005 with Thales Alenia Space.

Eurobot Wet Model

The first underwater manipulation system totally designed and realized by Graal Tech was EWM (Eurobot Wet Model) and was finalized in 2006.
A Strong Relationship
The existing strong commercial relationship between Graal Tech and CGG was consolidated in 2013, when Graal Tech shares were acquired by the Geophysical Corporation.

Seabed Geosolutions

Graal Tech signs an industrial agreement with Seabed Geosolutions, company leader in the O&G market. Seabed joins with the 24% of shares.